Konsumen Cerdas paham perlindungan konsumen

Facebook mengirimkan sebuah undangan yang diduga kuat adalah peluncuran smartphone yang berintegrasi  ke situs jejaring sosialnya kepada konsumen cerdas paham perlindungan konsumen... Sayangnya Facebook Phone ini tampaknya akan layu sebelum berkembang karena respon yang kecil dari konsumen cerdas paham perlindungan konsumen.

Bukan maksud mengecilkan peluang smartphone Facebook. Sebab pada kenyataanya jajak pendapat atau survey  konsumen cerdas paham perlindungan konsumen  yang dilakukan Retrevo, sebagian besar responden adalah memang para konsumen cerdas yang ditanya tidak berminat menggunakan ponsel jejaring sosial itu.

Seperti yang dikutip dari situs resminya, sebanyak 82% konsumen cerdas paham perlindungan konsumen meresponden yang disurvei,  menyatakan bahwa tidak tertarik membeli ponsel Facebook.

Sedangkan yang mengatakan konsumen cerdas paham perlindungan konsumen yang berminat, tidak lebih dari 3% saja. Sementara 15% sisanya adalah responden yang ingin terlebih dahulu melihat dan mengetahui lebih jauh Facebook phone atau ingin melihat reaksi pasar terlebih dahulu.

Acara yang digelar 4 Maret 2013 waktu setempat menjadi pembuktian apakah Facebook dan mungkin HTC -- sebagai vendor yang diisukan bakal digandeng -- bisa meyakinkan pengguna.

Beberapa jam sebelum acara ini digelar, sebuah foto yang diduga adalah wujdu ponsel Facebook dari HTC beredar di internet. Ini membuat dugaan smartphone Facebook semakin kuat.

Piranti yang disebut-sebut memiliki nama HTC First ini berasal dari akun @evleaks di Twitter. Sekedar informasi, akun ini memiliki rekam jejak yang bagus dalam hal memposting foto-foto gadget anyar sebelum perilisannya.

HTC First -- yang memiliki nama kode Myst -- sepertinya akan dibanderol dengan harga terjangkau. Kabarnya, ponsel itu akan mengusung layar 4,3 inch 720p, RAM 1GB, kamera 5MP, Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean serta UI yang sudah dikustomisasi menjadi lebih 'akrab' dengan Facebook.

Demikian info smart phone facbook dari blog konsumen cerdas paham perlindungan konsumen

plus 3, Now Available: Automotive: Taiwan Industry Guide - PR Inside

plus 3, Now Available: Automotive: Taiwan Industry Guide - PR Inside

Now Available: Automotive: Taiwan Industry Guide - PR Inside

Posted: 12 Mar 2010 06:19 AM PST

2010-03-12 15:19:27 - Fast Market Research recommends "Automotive: Taiwan Industry Guide" from Datamonitor, now available

Datamonitor's Automotive: Taiwan Industry Guide is an essential resource for top-level data and analysis covering the Taiwan Automotive industry. It includes detailed data on market size and segmentation, textual analysis of the key trends and competitive landscape, and profiles of the leading companies. This incisive report provides expert analysis with distinct chapters for Light trucks, Medium & Heavy Trucks, Motorcycles,

New Cars and Trucks

Scope of the Report

* Contains an executive summary and data on value, volume and segmentation for Light trucks, Medium & Heavy Trucks, Motorcycles, New Cars and Trucks
* Provides textual analysis of the industry's prospects, competitive landscape and profiles of the leading companies
* Incorporates in-depth five forces competitive environment analysis and scorecards
* Includes five-year forecasts for Light trucks, Medium & Heavy Trucks, Motorcycles, New Cars and Trucks


* The Taiwanese trucks market generated total revenues of $763.2 million in 2009, representing a compound annual rate of change (CARC) of -21.3% for the period spanning 2005-2009.
* The Taiwanese light trucks market generated total revenues of $608.5 million in 2009, representing a compound annual rate of change (CARC) of -21.6% for the period spanning 2005-2009.
* The Taiwanese medium and heavy trucks market generated total revenues of $154.6 million in 2009, representing a compound annual rate of change (CARC) of -20.2% for the period spanning 2005-2009.
* The Taiwanese motorcycles market generated total revenues of $1,647.9 million in 2008, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.3% for the period spanning 2004-2008.
* The Taiwanese new cars market generated total revenues of $7.9 billion in 2009, representing a compound annual rate of change (CARC) of -7.4% for the period spanning 2005-2009.

Why you should buy this report

* Spot future trends and developments
* Inform your business decisions
* Add weight to presentations and marketing materials
* Save time carrying out entry-level research

For more information or to purchase this report, go to:
- www.fastmr.com/prod/53808_automotive_taiwan_industry_guide.aspx

Partial Table of Contents:

1.1 Market Overview 12
1.2 Market Value 14
1.3 Market Volume 15
1.4 Market Segmentation I 16
1.5 Market Segmentation II 17
1.6 Market Share 18
1.7 Five Forces Analysis 19
1.8 Market Forecasts 25
2.1 Market Overview 27
2.2 Market Value 29
2.3 Market Volume 30
2.4 Market Segmentation I 31
2.5 Market Segmentation II 32
2.6 Market Share 33
2.7 Five Forces Analysis 34
2.8 Market Forecasts 40
3.1 Market Overview 42
3.2 Market Value 44
3.3 Market Volume 45
3.4 Market Segmentation I 46
3.5 Market Segmentation II 47
3.6 Market Share 48
3.7 Five Forces Analysis 49
3.8 Market Forecasts 56
4.1 Market Overview 58
4.2 Market Value 60
4.3 Market Volume 61
4.4 Market Segmentation 62
4.5 Market Share 63
4.6 Five Forces Analysis 64
4.7 Market Forecasts 70
5.1 Market Overview 72
5.2 Market Value 74
5.3 Market Volume 75
5.4 Market Segmentation I 76
5.5 Market Segmentation II 77
5.6 Market Share 78
5.7 Five Forces Analysis 79
5.8 Market Forecasts 85
7.1 Data Research Methodology 89

Table 1: Taiwan Light Trucks Market Value: $ million, 2005-2009 (e) 14
Table 2: Taiwan Light Trucks Market Volume: Units thousand, 2005-2009 (e) 15
Table 3: Taiwan Light Trucks Market Segmentation I: % Share, by Value, 2009 (e) 16
Table 4: Taiwan Light Trucks Market Segmentation II: % Share, by Value, 2009 (e) 17
Table 5: Taiwan Light Trucks Market Share: % Share, by Volume, 2009 (e) 18
Table 6: Taiwan Light Trucks Market Value Forecast: $ million, 2009-2014 25
Table 7: Taiwan Light Trucks Market Volume Forecast: Units thousand, 2009-2014 26
Table 8: Taiwan Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Value: $ million, 2005-2009(e) 29
Table 9: Taiwan Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Volume: Units thousand, 2005-2009(e) 30
Table 10: Taiwan Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Segmentation I: % Share, by Value, 2009(e) 31
Table 11: Taiwan Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Segmentation II: % Share, by Value, 2009(e) 32
Table 12: Taiwan Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Share: % Share, by Value, 2009(e) 33
Table 13: Taiwan Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Value Forecast: $ million, 2009-2014 40
Table 14: Taiwan Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Volume Forecast: Units thousand, 2009-2014 41
Table 15: Taiwan Motorcycles Market Value: $ million, 2004-2008 44
Table 16: Taiwan Motorcycles Market Volume: Units thousand, 2004-2008 45
Table 17: Taiwan Motorcycles Market Segmentation I: % Share, by Value, 2008 46

Full ToC is available at:
-- www.fastmr.com/catalog/product.aspx?productid=53808&dt=t

About Datamonitor

The Datamonitor Group is a world-leading provider of premium global business information, delivering independent data, analysis and opinion across the Automotive, Consumer Markets, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Logistics & Express, Pharmaceutical & Healthcare, Retail, Technology and Telecoms industries. Datamonitor's market intelligence products and services ensure that you will achieve your desired commercial goals by giving you the insight you need to best respond to your competitive environment. View more research from Datamonitor at www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1002

About Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distributor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Market Report, "Automotive: Eastern Europe Industry ... - PR Inside

Posted: 12 Mar 2010 06:04 AM PST

2010-03-12 15:10:34 - New Manufacturing market report from Datamonitor: "Automotive: Eastern Europe Industry Guide"

Datamonitor's Automotive: Eastern Europe Industry Guide is an essential resource for top-level data and analysis covering the Eastern Europe Automotive industry. It includes detailed data on market size and segmentation, textual analysis of the key trends and competitive landscape, and profiles of the leading companies. This incisive report provides expert analysis with distinct chapters for Light trucks, Medium & Heavy

Trucks, Motorcycles, New Cars and Trucks

Scope of the Report

* Contains an executive summary and data on value, volume and segmentation for Light trucks, Medium & Heavy Trucks, Motorcycles, New Cars and Trucks
* Provides textual analysis of the industry's prospects, competitive landscape and profiles of the leading companies
* Incorporates in-depth five forces competitive environment analysis and scorecards
* Includes five-year forecasts for Light trucks, Medium & Heavy Trucks, Motorcycles, New Cars and Trucks


* The Eastern European trucks market generated total revenues of $8.6 billion in 2009, representing a compound annual rate of change (CARC) of -5.3% for the period spanning 2005-2009.
* The Eastern European light trucks market generated total revenues of $3.3 billion in 2009, representing a compound annual rate of change (CARC) of -$9.2% for the period spanning 2005-2009.
* The Eastern European medium and heavy trucks market generated total revenues of $5.3 billion in 2009, representing a compound annual rate of change (CARC) of -2.4% for the period spanning 2005-2009
* The Eastern European motorcycles market generated total revenues of $1,541.9 million in 2008, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25.4% for the period spanning 2004-2008.
* The Eastern European new cars market generated total revenues of $38.8 billion in 2009, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.5% for the period spanning 2005-2009.

Why you should buy this report

* Spot future trends and developments
* Inform your business decisions
* Add weight to presentations and marketing materials
* Save time carrying out entry-level research

For more information or to purchase this report, go to:
- www.fastmr.com/prod/53787_automotive_eastern_europe_industry_gui ..

Partial Table of Contents:

1.1 Market Overview 12
1.2 Market Value 14
1.3 Market Volume 15
1.4 Market Segmentation I 16
1.5 Market Segmentation II 17
1.6 Market Share 18
1.7 Five Forces Analysis 19
1.8 Market Forecasts 26
2.1 Market Overview 28
2.2 Market Value 30
2.3 Market Volume 31
2.4 Market Segmentation I 32
2.5 Market Segmentation II 33
2.6 Market Share 34
2.7 Five Forces Analysis 35
2.8 Market Forecasts 41
3.1 Market Overview 43
3.2 Market Value 45
3.3 Market Volume 46
3.4 Market Segmentation I 47
3.5 Market Segmentation II 48
3.6 Market Share 49
3.7 Five Forces Analysis 50
3.8 Market Forecasts 56
4.1 Market Overview 58
4.2 Market Value 60
4.3 Market Volume 61
4.4 Market Segmentation 62
4.5 Market Share 63
4.6 Five Forces Analysis 64
4.7 Market Forecasts 70
5.1 Market Overview 72
5.2 Market Value 74
5.3 Market Volume 75
5.4 Market Segmentation I 76
5.5 Market Segmentation II 77
5.6 Market Share 78
5.7 Five Forces Analysis 79
5.8 Market Forecasts 86
7.1 Data Research Methodology 89

Table 1: Eastern Europe Light Trucks Market Value: $ billion, 2005-2009 (e) 14
Table 2: Eastern Europe Light Trucks Market Volume: Units thousand, 2005-2009 (e) 15
Table 3: Eastern Europe Light Trucks Market Segmentation I: % Share, by Value, 2009 (e) 16
Table 4: Eastern Europe Light Trucks Market Segmentation II: % Share, by Value, 2009 (e) 17
Table 5: Eastern Europe Light Trucks Market Share: % Share, by Volume, 2009 (e) 18
Table 6: Eastern Europe Light trucks Market Value Forecast: $ billion, 2009-2014 26
Table 7: Eastern Europe Light trucks Market Volume Forecast: Units thousand, 2009-2014 27
Table 8: Eastern Europe Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Value: $ billion, 2005-2009 30
Table 9: Eastern Europe Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Volume: Units thousand, 2005-2009 31
Table 10: Eastern Europe Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Segmentation I: % Share, by Value, 2009(e) 32
Table 11: Eastern Europe Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Segmentation II: % Share, by Value, 2009(e) 33
Table 12: Eastern Europe Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Share: % Share, by Volume, 2009(e) 34
Table 13: Eastern Europe Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Value Forecast: $ billion, 2009-2014 41
Table 14: Eastern Europe Medium & Heavy Trucks Market Volume Forecast: Units thousand, 2009-2014 42
Table 15: Eastern Europe Motorcycles Market Value: $ billion, 2004-2008 45

Full ToC is available at:
-- www.fastmr.com/catalog/product.aspx?productid=53787&dt=t

About Datamonitor

The Datamonitor Group is a world-leading provider of premium global business information, delivering independent data, analysis and opinion across the Automotive, Consumer Markets, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Logistics & Express, Pharmaceutical & Healthcare, Retail, Technology and Telecoms industries. Datamonitor's market intelligence products and services ensure that you will achieve your desired commercial goals by giving you the insight you need to best respond to your competitive environment. View more research from Datamonitor at www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1002

About Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distributor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


More Business - San Francisco Chronicle

Posted: 12 Mar 2010 02:11 PM PST

In an interview with The Associated Press, Union Pacific's Jim Young said some key segments, including agricultural, automotive and intermodal shipments show signs of strength. Railroads are indicators of the nation's broader economic health because many things consumers and businesses use every day are shipped by rail.

"I'm not willing to say the challenges are over, but some areas are pretty strong," Young said.

Young said automotive shipments are up 60 percent from a year ago, but far from their peak three years ago. Intermodal shipments, or transfers between trucks and trains, are up about 20 percent, he said. Intermodal shipments can be closely tied to consumer spending because many retail goods, like electronics, clothes and toys, are transported that way.

"It's too early to tell if the consumer has really got some sustained buying power," Young cautioned.

Shipments of industrial products — including cement, lumber, steel and newsprint — are up about 4 percent compared with last year. But Young said volume is only about half of what it was before the recession, as demand for building materials remains soft.

"When I see a pick up in industrial products, I'm thinking maybe there's some real legs to the recovery," he said.

Union Pacific's total shipping volume is up about 11 percent compared with last year.

Young said the real sign of Union Pacific's confidence in the economy will appear when the railroad starts hiring again. But that's not happening yet. Some furloughed employees have been called back to work, but about 3,500 remain on leave. Union Pacific has about 42,000 employees.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Ayres dealership gets support from county - News-Sentinel

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 06:46 AM PST

A week after it was first requested, the Allen County Commissioners have signed a letter supporting a local car dealership's attempt to keep its General Motors truck franchise and 38 related jobs.

Don Ayres Pontiac, 4740 Lima Road, was notified by General Motors Co. last year that it would lose its GMC franchise as part of GM's restructuring. But Ayres officials will appeal that decision to a federal arbitrator, and have asked top local officials for a letter of support.

Tom Kelley, whose Kelley Automotive Group also sells GMC trucks, wrote a letter to the commissioners, city and county councils, and Mayor Tom Henry this week urging them to not take sides by supporting his competitor. But after days of deliberation and debate, the commissioners ultimately decided to sign, saying they would have done the same for Kelley or other businesses.

In other action Friday, the commissioners:

♦Approved a $200 administrative fee to be collected by the Allen County Sheriff's Department for services rendered during the sale of foreclosed properties. The Sheriff's Department can collect an additional $100 if it must evict the tenants before the sale. Proceeds will go to the county's general fund.

♦Approved a two-year deal under which Wabash-based White's Residential and Family Services will operate a foster-home operation in two houses formerly used by the county's Youth Services Center at 11805 Lima Road. White's will pay the county $1,800 per month for the use of the Kryder and Yoder houses, which previously provided short-term housing but were forced to close last year because of a change in state funding policy.

♦Approved a plan to equip the City-County Building's basement cafeteria so it can provide wireless Internet access.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


plus 3, Tea Party groups to meet in the Dells this weekend - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

plus 3, Tea Party groups to meet in the Dells this weekend - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Tea Party groups to meet in the Dells this weekend - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Posted: 12 Mar 2010 07:59 AM PST

March 11, 2010 | Wisconsin added 5,600 net new jobs in January, even as the state's unemployment rate rose to 8.7%, according to a report Thursday from the state Department of Workforce Development.

The unemployment rate increased from December's revised rate of 8.5% and from 7.1% a year earlier in January 2009. The figures are seasonally adjusted to smooth out seasonal fluctuations, such as school vacations and winter-related slowdowns in tourism and construction.

The state has had a net gain in jobs in only five other months since the national recession began in December 2007. Sectors adding jobs in January were manufacturing, administrative services and health care.

January's gains, however, barely offset half the losses in December, when the state lost 11,200 jobs. In the 12 months since January 2009, the state lost a net 113,600 jobs.

One factor behind the increase in the unemployment rate, according to the statistics, was that 3,600 unemployed state residents resumed searching for a job in January after having given up earlier in the recession. Unemployment statistics, which are based on telephone surveys of households, don't count respondents who declare that they aren't job searching, meaning the unemployment rate can rise and fall even when little else changes in the economy. »Read Full Article(9)

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Cooper Power contracts to supply transformers to We Energies - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Posted: 12 Mar 2010 08:28 AM PST

March 11, 2010 | Wisconsin added 5,600 net new jobs in January, even as the state's unemployment rate rose to 8.7%, according to a report Thursday from the state Department of Workforce Development.

The unemployment rate increased from December's revised rate of 8.5% and from 7.1% a year earlier in January 2009. The figures are seasonally adjusted to smooth out seasonal fluctuations, such as school vacations and winter-related slowdowns in tourism and construction.

The state has had a net gain in jobs in only five other months since the national recession began in December 2007. Sectors adding jobs in January were manufacturing, administrative services and health care.

January's gains, however, barely offset half the losses in December, when the state lost 11,200 jobs. In the 12 months since January 2009, the state lost a net 113,600 jobs.

One factor behind the increase in the unemployment rate, according to the statistics, was that 3,600 unemployed state residents resumed searching for a job in January after having given up earlier in the recession. Unemployment statistics, which are based on telephone surveys of households, don't count respondents who declare that they aren't job searching, meaning the unemployment rate can rise and fall even when little else changes in the economy. »Read Full Article(9)

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Lutz Says Hybrids, Electrics Are Future - ClickOnDetroit.com

Posted: 12 Mar 2010 07:16 AM PST

Boy, 3, Shot While Riding In Car

One man died and three people, including a toddler, were seriously injured in a shooting on Detroit's West Side Thursday, according to police.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


PLS Logistics Services, Inc. Announces New Board Member - WKOW-TV.com

Posted: 12 Mar 2010 07:30 AM PST

M. Tod Gonzales will contribute to PLS' plans for expansion

ROCHESTER, Pa., March 12 /PRNewswire/ -- PLS Logistics Services, Inc. ("PLS") announced that M. Tod Gonzales, Chief Operating Officer of Heidtman Steel Corp., was elected to the PLS Board of Directors and all operating subsidiaries.

PLS Logistics Chairman Gregory Burns stated "Tod's experience in the steel industry and his knowledge of its unique supply chain challenges will be an important asset for PLS Logistics Services." Added John Gallardo, PLS' President and Chief Executive Officer, "We are pleased to welcome Tod Gonzales, an accomplished operating executive to the Board of Directors, and look forward to Tod's insight in the years ahead."

"PLS has an excellent reputation for providing a full spectrum of supply chain services to the steel and related industries," said Tod Gonzales. "I look forward to working with the PLS Logistics Board of Directors and the management team to help guide PLS through its continuing expansion."

Mr. Gonzales has extensive operating experience in the steel and related industries. At Heidtman Steel Corp., Mr. Gonzales is responsible for Corporate Plant Operations and Production, Engineering, Quality, Customer Technical Services/Advanced Automobile Engineering and Human Resources. Prior to joining Heidtman Steel, Mr. Gonzales served as President of Pro Coil Corporation, at the time a wholly owned subsidiary of US Steel Corporation, where he was responsible for all company business activities and matters. Prior to joining US Steel, Mr. Gonzales was employed at National Steel, where his Executive responsibilities included Automotive Marketing and Sales, Applications Engineering and Research, Customer Technical Service, and Processing and Quality.

About PLS

Over its 19-year history, PLS Logistics Services (PLS) has become the leading provider of logistics management services to industrial shippers. Based in Rochester, PA, PLS ships over one million loads annually utilizing a proprietary web based transportation management platform, PLS Pro. The PLS Pro technology optimizes PLS' customer supply chains while reducing costs and improving service levels. The PLS Transportation network includes over 8,000 motor carriers with more than 75,000 trucks, along with class-1 railroads and major barge companies.


SOURCE PLS Logistics Services, Inc.

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Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


plus 3, Auto Show Rolls into Fort Worth - NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

plus 3, Auto Show Rolls into Fort Worth - NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Auto Show Rolls into Fort Worth - NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 08:00 AM PST

Updated 10:15 AM CST, Thu, Mar 11, 2010

Fresh of the heels of the 2010 Dallas Auto Show is the 54th Annual Greater Tarrant County Auto Show.

North Texas residents will be able to visit one of the area's largest "Showrooms" to see all that is new to see in automotive styling and technology as the annual Greater Tarrant County Auto Show gets under way at the Fort Worth Convention Center, hosted by the New Car Dealers Association of Greater Tarrant County (NCDA).

The show will offer visitors the opportunity to leisurely inspect more than 300 vehicles from 25 manufacturers in incredible detail, including everything from sporty convertibles and high-performance sports cars to hybrid and luxury sedans, popular crossovers to hard-working trucks.

Hundreds of new vehicles, will be featured, including a number of "concept" cars giving visitors a look in the automotive future. The world's leading manufacturers will be displaying many completely new models and makes, many of which have never been seen in North Texas.

Dallas Auto Show


Dallas Auto Show

The Year's Big Trends at the Detroit Auto Show


The Year's Big Trends at the Detroit Auto Show

There is more to see at this year's auto show than just new styling; many manufacturers have started to focus on making vehicles environmentally friendly, and will be displaying hybrid and flex fuel vehicles.

The show kicks off Thursday and runs through Sunday at the Tarrant County Convention Center in downtown Fort Worth.

The show runs from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday and Friday, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday. Adult admission is $9, with special discount coupons available at participating dealerships in the five-county area, and appearing daily in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Children (ages 6 to 12) admission is $4 and children under six are free.

First Published: Mar 11, 2010 10:03 AM CST

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Truck ride brings calm to Almirola's turbulent career - NASCAR

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 08:00 AM PST

His short NASCAR career has already featured more potholes than the track at Daytona International Speedway. There was one contentious night in Milwaukee, and an eventual split from the organization that gave him his start. There was a team that was absorbed by another, and then merged with a third. There was a full-time ride in the Cup Series, short-circuited when his program ran out of money and was shut down. There was another opportunity on NASCAR's premier circuit, hamstrung when a longtime sponsor walked away.

Aric Almirola's attempts to climb the ladder in NASCAR have taken more hits than Brad Keselowski's race car. And yet, he's found a large degree of solace and comfort back where he began -- in the Camping World Truck Series.

"The most fun part of my weekend is getting in that truck," said Almirola, a 25-year-old Tampa native who drives the No. 51 Toyota for owner Billy Ballew. "I have a full-time sponsor, which not many people in this series or any series can say, so I'm very thankful for what they've done."

Almirola has learned the value of sponsorship the hard way. After coming up through the development program overseen by Joe Gibbs Racing and the late Reggie White, Almirola got what appeared to be his big career break in 2008, when he was named co-driver of Dale Earnhardt Inc.'s No. 8 car with Mark Martin. His results -- including an eighth-place run at Bristol Motor Speedway -- were promising enough that the now-combined Earnhardt Ganassi team gave him the ride on his own the next year, after Martin departed for Hendrick Motorsports.

Any celebration, though, was short-lived. With no sponsorship, the No. 8 car survived for only seven races before it was shut down for lack of funds. Almirola, once seen as a rising young prospect in NASCAR, was suddenly cast adrift. Then Ballew, who has fielded trucks since 1996 and won 17 races on the circuit, offered him a life raft.

"It stung very, very badly," Almirola said of the shuttering of the No. 8 car. "That was the first major letdown in my career, where I felt I had nowhere to go and nothing to look forward to. I was fortunate and blessed that I got a phone call from Billy to go race his truck, because it at least put me back on the map as a race car driver in one of NASCAR's top three series. I feel like that was a big boost for me in my career, to not just go away forever." (Continued)

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


NHRA fans readily accept risks of attending races - St. Petersburg Times

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 06:41 AM PST

By Antonya English, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Thursday, March 11, 2010

GAINESVILLE — Scott Dupree has been attending the NHRA Gator­nationals for more than a decade and, as an avid fan of both NASCAR and NHRA drag races, the Gainesville resident is well aware of the danger fans in attendance may face.

That reality was reiterated last month when Susan Zimmer, a 52-year-old from Wisconsin, died after being hit by a tire that broke loose from a Top Fuel dragster during a first-round race at the NHRA Arizona Nationals at Firebird International Raceway.

But like thousands of race fans who will flock to Gainesville Raceway this weekend to attend the NHRA Gatornationals, the recent tragedy in Arizona hasn't caused Dupree to consider bypassing the event.

"You feel terrible anytime you hear (about a tragedy), whether it was at Monster Jam where a spinning truck throws something off, or NASCAR where a part flies into the crowd, you feel terrible," Dupree said. "And it's easy to say as a fan that didn't have it happen to them, 'That's one of those things that happen.' But you probably have a lot of things that happen at the track that just never get any attention. You could go to a baseball game and get hit in the head with a foul ball, that doesn't mean you should shut down baseball."

For officials at the Gainesville Raceway in northwest Gainesville, safety remains a primary concern, but not one they are willing to publicly discuss. Donald Robertson, executive general manager of the Gainesville Raceway said Tuesday afternoon that NHRA officials would not allow him to speak on the issue of safety at the track in the wake of the accident in Arizona — which was the first participant fatality at an NHRA event since the mid 1970s.

The Gainesville track is considered one of the fastest tracks on the NHRA circuit and includes a 675-foot drag strip. A chain-link fence separates spectators from the cars on the track. Because of the nature of drag racing, control of the cars is a primary concern. But NHRA officials have to weigh the fan-friendliness of the event, which is a major draw, with safety.

"Spectators don't just sit in the stands. They get to go into the pit area, stand there and watch the guys rebuild cars, talk to the drivers, watch them disassemble and rebuild," Robertson said. "And the driver is standing at the end of the trailer chatting with the fans and signing autographs. It's the most accessible motor- sport in the world. Fans can't get near the cars and drivers like this in any other racing sport."

But that doesn't mean change isn't necessary.

The National Hot Rod Association is studying the possible implementation of more safety measures.

"We are going to look at everything," NHRA vice president Jerry Archambeault said. "We won't walk away from this and do nothing. We will react and make changes, as we have proven many times in the past."

Among possible options are tethering tires to the cars and the installation of catch fencing at NHRA tracks, although track experts said catch fencing may not have prevented Zimmer's death because of the height the tire bounced.

Fans say they've already seen improvements over the years.

"A lot of what they've done at other racetracks is they've put up fences and cages to keep car parts from going into the stands," Fort White resident Lenard Leggett said. "And at some, they actually have cables attached to some of the rims so if they do fly, it's safer. But it does take away from it a little bit for the fans. I know when I used to go to Daytona and watch the Supercross race, you had to get high enough in the stands so you weren't looking through a fence. You were safer because you were farther away, but the closer you are to it, the more exciting."

"I think people that are drawn to racing, particularly drag racing, are drawn to the power and the speed," Dupree added. "These are things people can identify with because most people drive cars. There was a time when there weren't those areas — there's an area with a buffer zone between track and stands now that used to not be there. You have to ask yourself what's reasonable? You can't put the track in a bubble."

Roush okay with penalty for Edwards

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Team owner Jack Roush said he is satisfied with the three-race probation penalty NASCAR levied against his driver after Carl Edwards intentionally wrecked Brad Keselowski. "We are satisfied that NASCAR fairly considered all the circumstances in its decision to discipline Carl," said Roush, who looked forward to a NASCAR-called meeting of all the parties involved.

Waltrip to run again: Michael Waltrip, who said he would put aside most of his driving after the Daytona 500 to focus on running his team, will enter the Sprint Cup race at Talladega Superspeedway in April.

Formula One: Ross Brawn, 55, the principal of Mercedes GP, received the Officer of the Order of the British Empire at Buckingham Palace in London for guiding his team to last season's title. The new F1 season opens Sunday at the Bahrain Grand Prix.

Information from Times wires contributed to this report. Antonya English can be reached at english@sptimes.com.


NHRA Gatornationals

When: Today through Sunday

Where: Gainesville Raceway, 11211 N. County Road 225

TV: ESPN2 (taped); qualifying, midnight Sunday; eliminations, 6 p.m. Sunday

[Last modified: Mar 11, 2010 09:47 AM]

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European vehicle output slumps - Newsday

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 08:15 AM PST

Quick Summary

EU car makers say 2009 vehicle production was at lowest level in 14 years

BRUSSELS - (AP) — European car makers say vehicle production in 2009 was at the lowest level in 14 years.

A Thursday report from auto makers' group ACEA says some 15.2 million cars, trucks, vans and buses were turned out in Europe last year, the lowest level since 1996.

Car output was 13.4 million, down 17.3 percent from 2008, while truck production slipped by 64 percent as companies held back on replacing big-ticket items, such as transport.

Car sales dropped far less, by 1.3 percent, last year as government cash-for-clunkers programs held up the market — and boosted sales of small fuel-efficient models and cheaper imported cars.

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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plus 3, Allergan, EQT, Facet, Goodrich: U.S. Equity Movers (Correct) - Bloomberg

plus 3, Allergan, EQT, Facet, Goodrich: U.S. Equity Movers (Correct) - Bloomberg

Allergan, EQT, Facet, Goodrich: U.S. Equity Movers (Correct) - Bloomberg

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 06:50 AM PST

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March 10 (Bloomberg) -- Shares of the following companies are having unusual moves in U.S. trading . Stock symbols are in parentheses. Prices are as of 9:45 a.m. in New York. A123 Systems Inc. (AONE US) slipped 1.1 percent to $16.56. The maker of ...


2011 GMC Sierra debuts with new Denali version - Autoweek.com

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 06:07 AM PST

GMC is making going to work a bit more stylish--but still with plenty of grunt--with the first-ever offering of its Denali trim on the Sierra heavy-duty line of trucks.

The 2011 Sierra heavy-duty range is being revealed on Wednesday in St. Louis at the National Truck Equipment Association Work Truck Show. The truck goes on sale early this summer.

Like the Chevrolet Silverado HD truck revealed at the Chicago auto show, engineers focused on under-the-skin improvements for the Sierra, including to the 6.6-liter Duramax turbodiesel which now makes 397 hp and 765 lb-ft of torque. Towing capacity can reach 20,000 pounds for the diesel. The Vortec V8 has a payload of 6,335 pounds.

The trucks also get a new, high-strength, fully-boxed steel frame and redone suspensions.

For more Car news, road tests, photos and insight, click here.

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Chevron, Equitable Resources, Goodrich: U.S. Equity Preview - Bloomberg

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 06:28 AM PST

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March 10 (Bloomberg) -- Shares of the following companies may have unusual moves in U.S. trading . Stock symbols are in parentheses. Prices are as of 8 a.m. in New York. A123 Systems Inc. (AONE US): The maker of automotive battery systems reported a ...


NASCAR Slaps Edwards with Probation - CBS News

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 05:24 AM PST

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plus 3, Sponsors Join Ohio Valley Sprint Car Association - Who Won

plus 3, Sponsors Join Ohio Valley Sprint Car Association - Who Won

Sponsors Join Ohio Valley Sprint Car Association - Who Won

Posted: 09 Mar 2010 06:58 AM PST

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sponsors Join Ohio Valley Sprint Car Association

by Scott Wolfe

PARKERSBURG, W.Va. -- Last week, area race track promoters in Southeast Ohio and West Virginia and Hoosier Tire Ohio Valley formed a new 410 winged sprint car series--the Ohio Valley Sprint Car Association (OVSCA). Already, some of the racing industries biggest sponsors have joined Hoosier Tire in promoting and supporting this quickly growing series.

"This series will give the drivers and team owners the option of being able to continue to race on America's most competitive sprint tire." said Hoosier Racing Tire Sprint Product manager Neil Cowman.

Joining the sponsor list are Hoosier Tire, Hoosier Tire Ohio Valley, Poske's Performance Parts, Bazell Oil and Race Fuels, R2C Race Filters, Outerwear Pre-Filters, Allstar Performance, and ASI Racewear with other sponsors expected to join forces by the start of racing season.

Today, Hoosier Tire https://www.hoosiertire.com is the largest race tire manufacturer in the world, and all Hoosier race tires are still proudly "Made in the USA." The company continues to be privately owned and operated by the Newton family, the original founders. Dubbed as "Tires Designed for Champions" Hoosier Tire makes the World's best racing tires.

Hoosier Tire Ohio Valley services much of the Mid-Atlantic area and exclusively supplies racers in the Ohio River Valley and racing hotbeds along the Ohio-West Virginia border.

Dave Poske's Performance Parts www.poske.com stocks a full line of components to build Pure Stock, Modified, Semi Late, & Late Model Dirt and Asphalt Race Cars. Poske's also stocks street, performance and drag car parts along with some sprint car parts and a full line of Hoosier Tires. Poske's is committed to selling racers the right part at a fair price and making sure customers get it their parts on time.

Allstar Performance http://www.allstarperformance.com/index.htm is a manufacturer and supplier of racing and high performance auto parts, accessories and specialty tools. Each and every Allstar part came about as a direct result of Allstar's dedication to continuous research and development.

ASI Racewear http://www.asiwear.com/racewear.html known as "The Only Choice for Premium Quality" racing shirts and uniforms in both Screenprinting design and Embroidery is one of the industries most quickly growing printers of racewear.

Founded over 28 years ago, Outerwears http://www.outerwearsracing.com/about.html was created to fulfill a desperate need to keep the Air filter and engine clean during off road racing. Outerwears, Inc. is the orginal manufacturer of Pre-Filters and Shockwears and other protective accessories designed for racing and everyday use.

When you think performance and quality, only one high performance air filter should come to mind: R2C Powerflow Air Filters http://www.r2cperformance.com, where we guarantee you will ?Feel the Power.? R2C's devotion to product testing and constant innovation has enabled us to create products that surpass industry standards and the standards of so-called performance filters on the market today.

Bazell Race Fuels has sold Alky, both the blended alcohol and the lubricant, for 25 years.A long-time favorite of sprints, carters, and truck pullers, Alky Racing Alcohol is now branded Sunoco, combining two of the best known and most respected names in the racing industry. Alky will now be available nationwide. Alky Racing Alcohol is top- quality methanol blended with blue top end cylinder lubricant specifically made for alcohol racing engines. Alky provides lubrication and protection for your engine, and gives maximum performance under various conditions.

Now well over $15,000 has been raised for the series point fund and sprint track champions at Skyline Speedway will enjoy awards typical of those in the past in addition to the series point fund payout. Details of the points and other series policy will be available on the OVSCA website which is under construction and will be live soon. Until the website is live please visit OVSCA on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/...d=482653310491.

Fans of the OVSCA can join at become a fan of the OVSCA on facebook at

The OVSCA website is under construction at www.ovsprintcars.com and will be posting a schedule, rules, and race information soon. More information will be released in the near future!

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Haweka Axis 4000 to Premiere at MATS 2010 - Search-Autoparts.com

Posted: 09 Mar 2010 07:48 AM PST

LOUISVILLE, Ky., March 9 /PRNewswire/ -- At this year's 2010 Mid-America Truck Show, Haweka will showcase its new, patented, heavy-duty truck alignment system, the AXIS 4000. The Axis 4000 will be distributed in the US by Haweka USA. Just as the existing Haweka product lines perfected car wheel balancing, the Haweka AXIS 4000 promises to revolutionize the heavy-duty alignment of a full range of commercial vehicles such as long-haul trucks, buses, multi-axle cranes and agricultural vehicles.

The Axis 4000 incorporates the advanced digital measuring technologies of modern automotive machines adapting them to meet the frame-centerline alignment requirements of commercial trucks. With efficiency in mind, its fully computerized system can be installed permanently or used in mobile applications and operated by a single technician. Combined with Haweka ProClamps wheel grapplers, the AXIS 4000 will prove to be the fastest, easiest-to-use heavy-duty alignment machine on the market.

Along with presenter Haweka USA president Bruce Hartin, Haweka's German manufacturing president Dirk Warkotsch and the AXIS 4000 Product Developer Harald Schenitzki will be on hand at the unveiling to demonstrate the many advantages and improvements that Haweka's latest system will offer to fleet operators and heavy-duty service centers. This year's show will be held at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville from March 25th through the 27th. The Haweka Axis 4000 can be viewed in the West Wing at Booth 65188.

For more information on Haweka USA:


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3 On Your Side: Towing Trouble - CBS 3 Philadelphia

Posted: 09 Mar 2010 07:34 AM PST


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3 On Your Side: Towing Trouble

PHILADELPHIA (CBS 3) ― You see them zipping all over the city, tow trucks that often arrive at the scene of an accident even before the police do! Drivers may survive the car crash, but as 3 On Your Side's Jim Donovan reports, some may be taken for a ride by the tow truck drivers when they eventually get their bill.

T.J Schwalm was stunned when he was involved in an accident while driving his parents' car in Old City.

"We didn't even see the car, and it hit us, and it spun our car back up onto a curb," said T.J.

A tow truck from Select Recovery Service showed up and T.J. signed an agreement to have his parents' Honda towed to Alex's Auto Body, less than five miles away.

That agreement called for a $50 hookup and $2 a mile. The total cost should have run around $60.

But three days later , the family was presented with a tow bill for $795!

"I was crying at points, we were probably there for like 2 to 3 hours," said T.J.'s mother, Anita Schwalm.

The bill listed a $150 flatbed fee, $250 for a winch, $75 administration fee, $105 for storage, $50 for garage, the list goes on.

"The secretary started to get annoyed with me being there and she said she had nothing to do with it and she couldn't change the price," said Anita.

Alex's Auto Body was holding the car, one of Alex's employees wrote out the bill and would collect the money.

"We believe they were acting as agents or part of Select Recovery Towing," said T.J's father, Ted Schwalm.

Alex's told CBS 3 they don't make any money from the arrangement unless a vehicle stays there for repairs.

After the family waited for hours, eventually they spoke on the phone with the owner of Select Recovery Service, Dave Wienckowski. He said he was willing to make a deal.

"He said, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do, I'll bring the price down to 500," said Anita.

"I said you know what, just pay them," said Ted.

A ransom, $500 cash! Nearly eight times what it should have cost!

Philadelphia controller Alan Butkovitz says it happens all the time.

"We found that the tow truck operators, the private tow operators in the city are running wild," said Butkovitz.

Why? Because the city only regulates some tow services. If you're towed for illegally parking, the city regulates the rates companies can charge.

But if you're involved in an accident like T.J. was, you're on your own. The tow company can charge whatever they want, as long as you agree in advance and sign a form at the scene.

When we asked Weinckowski about the overcharges he gave us a number of explanations. Among them, that T.J. was given an incorrect form to sign at the crash scene and that his family was presented with the wrong bill at the body shop. He tells us he'll refund the money overcharged directly to the family's insurance company.

So what should you know? If you're in an accident, in most cases, you can rely on a service like AAA, if you have it. You can also call a towing company of your choice.

If you are charged more than what you agreed to in writing at the scene, the Attorney General's office wants to hear from you.

(© MMX, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

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SORL Auto Parts, Inc. to Present at ROTH 22nd Annual OC Growth Stock ... - Stockhouse

Posted: 09 Mar 2010 05:39 AM PST

ZHEJIANG, China, March 9, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX News Network/ --

SORL Auto Parts, Inc. (Nasdaq: SORL) ("SORL" or "the Company"), a leading manufacturer and distributor of automotive air brake systems as well as related auto parts in China, announced today that it will present at the ROTH Capital Partners' 22nd Annual OC Growth Stock Conference, which will be held on March 15-17, 2010 in Laguna Niguel at The Ritz Carlton Hotel.

Mr. Ben Chen, the Corporate Secretary and Investor Relations Director, is scheduled to make a presentation at 9:00 AM Pacific Time on Monday, March 15, Track 4.

SORL Auto Parts, Inc.

As China's leading manufacturer and distributor of automotive air brake systems and other related auto parts. SORL Auto Parts, Inc. ranked No. 1 for market share in the segment for commercial vehicles, such as trucks and buses. The Company distributes products both within China and internationally under the SORL trademark. SORL is listed among the top 100 auto component suppliers in China, with a product range that includes 40 categories with over 1000 specifications in air brake system, air controlling system and others. The Company has four authorized international sales centers in Australia, UAE, India, and the United States. SORL is working to establish a broader global sales network. For more information, please visit http://www.sorl.cn .

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release may include certain statements that are not descriptions of historical facts, but are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "will", "believes", "expects" or similar expressions. These forward-looking statements may also include statements about our proposed discussions related to our business or growth strategy, which is subject to change. Such information is based upon expectations of our management that were reasonable when made but may prove to be incorrect. All of such assumptions are inherently subject to uncertainties and contingencies beyond our control and upon assumptions with respect to future business decisions, which are subject to change. We do not undertake to update the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. For a description of the risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ from the forward-looking statements contained in this press release, see our most recent Annual Report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Form 10-K, and our subsequent SEC filings. Copies of filings made with the SEC are available through the SEC's electronic data gathering analysis retrieval system (EDGAR) at http://www.sec.gov .

For more information, please contact:

At SORL Auto Parts, Inc.
Ben Chen
Corporate Secretary
Director of Investor Relations
Tel: +86-577-6581-7721
Email: ben@sorl.com.cn

Kevin Theiss
Tel: +1-646-284-9409
Email: kevin.theiss@grayling.com

SOURCE SORL Auto Parts, Inc.

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